Hudson County MLS and Liberty Board of REALTORS members receive access to FREE.

To access our site they need to sign into their organizations web site.
Once an agent signs into their members only section of their web site click on our banner.

If after clicking on our banner it brings you to our site but does not give you access you will need to add as a trusted site on your browser.
Instructions to adjust the browser are directly under the banner.

If after adjusting the browser you continue to have a problem please call the HCMLS at 201-867-1874 or Liberty Board at 201-867-4415

Information provided by NJTAXRECORDS.COM is based upon public records. NJTAXRECORDS.COM has taken reasonable care to compile this data in a complete and accurate manner. NJTAXRECORDS.COM makes no representations, guarantees or warranties of any nature whatsoever concerning the completeness and accuracy of the tax records, deeds or estimated real estate taxes paid. Subscribers are advised that all information provided herein is subject to verification from the local assessor the validity of the information. Property address may have been modified to the commonly known address. Address may not reflect legal address.