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NJTaxRecords.com will be closing at the end of 2023. The owner of the company has passed away and the site is no longer being updated. If you currently have a active account you will be able to continue to use it until your expiration date (NOTE: The site is no longer being updated so the information may be out of date) but you no longer can renew accounts. Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. If you have any additional questions please feel free to email techsupport@njtaxrecords.com

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Information provided by NJTAXRECORDS.COM is based upon public records. NJTAXRECORDS.COM has taken reasonable care to compile this data in a complete and accurate manner. NJTAXRECORDS.COM makes no representations, guarantees or warranties of any nature whatsoever concerning the completeness and accuracy of the tax records, deeds or estimated real estate taxes paid. Subscribers are advised that all information provided herein is subject to verification from the local assessor the validity of the information. Property address may have been modified to the commonly known address. Address may not reflect legal address.